How to expand your offering with white label services

White Label Services
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Do you want to expand your agency without investing heavily in new employees or technology? Then white label services could be just the thing for you. In this article, you will find out what white label means, who is behind it and whether it is worthwhile for you. We'll also show you how to start a white label business and what benefits and challenges await you. Let's jump straight in.

What does the term white label mean to me?

White label refers to services or products that are created by an agency or provider but are sold under a different brand. In the digital sector, for example, this means that an agency offers SEO, web design, marketing or IT support, but the actual work is done by a specialized white label agency in the background. You receive the finished result and present it to your customer under your own name as if it were your own service. With white label services, you can easily expand your offering.

What is the difference between white label services and drop services?

White label services are services that are provided by a supplier but sold under your brand so that you have full control over the quality and process. Drop service on the other hand, means that you resell services from external providers without providing them yourself or applying your branding to them - you act as a middleman who earns from the price difference. While white label services focus on long-term collaboration and quality, dropshipping is usually easier to start, but offers less control over the service. We have already written about dropshipping in another article. 

Is a white label worthwhile?

White label services are particularly worthwhile for agencies that want to expand their portfolio without having to set up new departments. 

The advantages are obvious:

  • Scalability: You can expand your service offering without major investment and reduce it again if necessary.
  • Time saving: Instead of familiarizing yourself with new areas, you can make direct use of the expertise of an experienced team.
  • Risk minimization: You avoid the risk of having to hire new employees whose costs must first be covered.
  • Flexibility: You can react quickly to market changes and offer new services without long lead times.

However, there are also disadvantages:

  • Less control: As the work is done in the background, you have less direct influence on the process.
  • Dependence: You are dependent on the quality and reliability of your white label partner. A good selection and clear agreements are therefore essential.

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How do I start a white label business and what should I look out for?

Starting a white label business is easier than you think. The first step is to find a trustworthy white label provider that suits your needs. Pay attention to the following points:

  1. Check the references: Take a look at which customers the provider has already served and what successes have been achieved.
  2. Test the service: Before you get fully involved, test the white label services on a smaller project to check the quality.
  3. Communication and processes: Make sure that the provider has clear communication channels and can respond quickly to your requests.
  4. Drafting the contract: Clarify all legal aspects, especially how data protection and trademark rights are regulated.

What does a white label agency do?

White label solutions extend across many sectors and also for e-commerce products. In this article, we will limit ourselves to digital agencies, as we can report from experience.

A white label agency takes on precisely those tasks that you do not want to or cannot cover internally. For digital agencies, this can include the following services:

  • SEO: From on-page optimization and backlink building to comprehensive SEO strategies - your customers get top rankings without you having to become an SEO expert yourself.
  • Web design: Professional, customized websites that impress your customers - all created by an experienced design team that knows what's important.
  • Marketing: Whether social media campaigns, content creation or paid advertising - the white label agency has the necessary know-how to make your customers visible.
  • IT support: Technical support, security updates or complex IT solutions - the service runs in the background while you retain full control over customer contact.


White label services offer you the opportunity to expand your offering as an agency quickly and flexibly, without the typical risks and investments of an internal expansion. You can draw on experts, expand your portfolio and offer your clients more comprehensive services - all under your own brand. The decision as to whether a white label is worthwhile ultimately depends on your goals and the selection of the right partner. With a good white label agency at your side, you have the chance to take your agency to the next level.


Picture of Joey Fleck
Joey stain
Joey has been a WordPress & online marketing expert for more than 10 years. He loves to find new tools and believes only reputable tracking data. Over the past years he has implemented, supported and optimized numerous WordPress projects.

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