WordPress Hosting 2024: Top 5 providers compared (incl. video)

WordPress Hosting 2024 provider recommendation
Table of contents

Today's article is about which providers are particularly suitable for WordPress Hosting 2024. Based on defined criteria such as backups, loading speed and others, we have compared the top 5 providers with each other.

WordPress offers many opportunities and options. Whether for an online store, for a blog or for other purposes: A few important factors should be considered when choosing a provider. Because not always the hosting offer is aligned to the needs of WordPress. However, this is very important, because only a WordPress-oriented solution will not cause headaches in the long run.

Choosing the right WordPress hosting

First of all, mass hosters are not a good choice. On the one hand, the costs are often favorable, but on the other hand, additional services, support or speed are poor. We count Strato, HostEurope or DomainFactory among them.

Some hosting providers have therefore specialized in WordPress hosting and offer their customers comprehensive solutions. For example, WordPress can be installed with one click, SSL certificates can be managed or backups can be automated. Other additional components of the contract are usually based on the needs of the own project. Especially the latter is the starting point for everything: Your project!

Of course, therefore, the price and the performance must simply fit with a good provider. 

A central point in the use of WordPress, especially in Germany, is data protection. Providers that weaken here were not even included in the shortlist. Here we are talking exclusively about German providers.

The criteria of our hosting comparison

We have created a total of 9 criteria in advance, according to which we evaluate today's hosting test. Our personal experiences with the providers also count towards this test. We have hosted websites with each of these providers in the past or supported customers of these providers with web development. 

Even as a WordPress agency, we are sometimes dependent on support from the hosting provider. Here the response time and competence is crucial for us. Because the support can only help you if they have sufficient knowledge of WordPress.

Speed is one of the most relvant factors for your visitors. Nobody likes slow websites. That's why the right hosting provider should definitely score here.

Your website should not be slower just because a larger website needs more resources. Unfortunately, this is often the case with mass hosts. Hosting providers shine with a good uptime and thus a high availability.

Every website needs an SSL certificate. This is a must for encryption, SEO and data protection. But some providers like to charge this as an extra service and for us another factor.

In the worst case, the hoster should be able to provide a complete backup of your website.

It is inconvenient to always have to make small settings via FTP. Here tools for quick installations, maintenance or settings in WordPress are very helpful.

Http/2 allows better compression and higher data transfer. This also means that your website will be a bit faster.

You probably know it from your own cell phone: a small memory space is not suitable for photographers. It's the same with web projects. The bigger, the more memory.

For a small club website, a small hosting package is enough. Professional company websites and large blogs, on the other hand, need a few euros more per month. The costs should therefore fit your budget.

The best WordPress hosting 2024

So, the criteria in the previous point show that not every hosting is automatically ideal for WordPress. On the contrary, even expensive servers can rob beginners without the appropriate knowledge rather than reduce their time.

The following WordPress hosting recommendation includes all known providers whose solutions are aimed at a wide range of end customers. The focus of the selection was, in addition to the scope of the solutions, also the service around the offer.

For all WordPress hosters in this article you will find the respective advantages and disadvantages. So you can decide for yourself which provider is suitable for projects with the CMS.

Check out our video on WordPress hosting:

Top 5: netcup

Netcup Hosting Provider

The provider netcup has proven itself especially for small projects, for example for advertising blogs or company homepages. What stands out is that you can book at least one domain with every package. The higher the price range, the more domains you get. Provided the domains are free, you can access up to 12 .de domains in total. 

That is an astonishing amount, and only a few well-known providers can keep up. SSL certificates are included here, of course. The price-performance ratio is also more than respectable. At 2.99 euros per month with WordPres Toolkit, netcup is our price winner and excellent for small projects. However, compared to the depth of the offer, one must also accept a negative point. Basic knowledge of Plesk is important to protect the website in the best possible way. In addition, large projects with a lot of traffic tend to reach their limits here. But in the overall impression, netcup is certainly a good, if not very good alternative to other WordPress hosts.



Top 4: IONOS

IONOS Hosting Provider

IONOS is now known as a very large hosting provider. Some therefore attribute IONOS a character as a mass hoster. However, according to our criteria, we believe that IONOS can be very worthwhile for small projects, just like netcup. Behind IONOS is the well-known mobile brand 1&1. This is not directly relevant information, but you can expect a very good infrastructure. Therefore, there are also many offers for hosting and numerous additional services.

The price-performance ratio is perfectly fine. The Essential package costs only 2 euros for 12 months and then 4 euros per month. In return, you get 25 GB of storage space, an SSL certificate and a domain, as well as a few small tools. But here you also have to say that IONOS relies on mass hosting with this tempting offer. If you need more performance for your project, you can't avoid a WordPress Pro plan. However, for 15€ per month you also get our favorite (more about this under "Top 1")

Conclusion: IONOS is a solid German provider for small projects or even small stores with the right budget. The Essential tariff is suitable for narrow requirements. The Pro rates, on the other hand, offer much more with tools for caching, backups and security.



Top 3: Webgo

Webgo Hosting Provider

The provider webgo offers its customers comprehensive solutions for hosting. Admittedly, there is no special offer for WordPress hosting. But what is annoying for one, is a bit more freedom for the hobbyist and expert. At webgo, you don't just get storage space and traffic, but also plenty of additional services.

Up to 20 domains can be booked at a reasonable price, plus mailboxes and plenty of storage space. Even the smallest package allows up to five databases. Thus, five different projects can already be realized. The price is right here, as are the performance and support. This is another reason why webgo is one of the providers you can rely on as an alternative.



Top 2: WPspace

WP Space Hosting Provider

WPSpace's offer is, it must be admitted, perfect for anyone who knows the benefits of Plesk. Plesk is a separate management interface for the hosting plan, just like netcup. The price-performance ratio is very much in line with the needs of the project and starts at 9€ per month. For this, you already get a lot of services here that are specifically geared to the needs of the project. The support is specialized and even helps with moves and performance. In the test, our WordPress test site was already lightning fast.

The modular structure is also a decisive factor in the WpSpace offering. A lot is offered here. This allows for some leeway in the design of one's own web presence, which other providers cannot offer. In addition, there is a free WP-Rocket license worth about 50€. Thus, WPSpace is the best alternative for everyone who wants professional WordPress hosting with experienced support.



Top 1: Raidboxes

Raidboxes Hosting Provider

With raidboxes you have also chosen the specialist for WordPress. Experienced and well-known on the market, Raidboxes scores especially with its own WordPress dashboard. Here there are different, and optimized for individual needs packages. All leave nothing to be desired and offer good performance at a reasonable price. The only drawback is at most the storage space, which can be easily booked at a reasonable price.

In return, raidboxes offers more freedom and a very good structure with the boxes. This is a definite plus point, especially for developers. By the way, Raidboxes is a provider that focuses very strongly on the topic of sustainability. A tree is planted for every hosted project, and the data centers are powered exclusively by electricity from hydropower. Maybe not such an important criterion, but a plus point in our eyes!

Automatic backups

Backup hosting provider

The backups are displayed very clearly and importing them is very easy. Plugins and themes can also be updated via the dashboard. If you don't have this feature, you should use UpdraftPlus. We have also written an article about the topic of backups.

Speedtest Raidboxes Hosting

Raidboxes Gmetrix Score

Speed is one of the most important factors with WordPress today. Especially as a CMS it can be slow with the wrong hosting. With Raidboxes no wishes are open here. We have performed the performance test here with a small website via the tool Gmetrix.



Kann ich WordPress kostenlos hosten und testen?

You are new to WordPress and want to test a hosting with a very small site? Then try the free package from WPSpace*, where you can host up to 300MB. Yes you heard right: free of charge!

WordPress Hosting Conclusion

Finally, it remains to be said that this test is about our own criteria and experiences. There are other providers like HostPress, Kinsta, Siteground or AllInkl, but in this article we have specifically limited ourselves to 5 favorites for different budgets.

There are basically four important points from our point of view that make the biggest difference in WordPress hosting:

  1. Speed (Speed)
  2. Price
  3. WordPress Support 
  4. Services provided by your hosting provider (e.g. WP administration)

Overall, you are well equipped for small projects with netcup, IONOS or webgo. However, the support here is not specialized and the server resources are shared due to the low prices. If you need more capacity or individual services, you pay extra. However, with the exception of IONOS, the costs here are manageable.

On the other hand, if you are planning a professional web project and do not want to do without special WordPress tools, a very good performance and professional support, you are better off with WPSpace or Raidboxes. Here, even more demanding projects can be implemented and modularly expanded. 

Raidboxes is ranked #1 especially thanks to its own WordPress dashboard, through which settings, staging sites and help center provide additional value. 

Picture of Joey Fleck
Joey stain
Joey has been a WordPress & online marketing expert for more than 10 years. He loves to find new tools and believes only reputable tracking data. Over the past years he has implemented, supported and optimized numerous WordPress projects.

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Any link with a "*" mark at the end is an affiliate link. You do not pay more in any case! I only get a small commission for the recommendation. A mention in text, video or audio of the keywords "leading, leading, best, bestest" only represents my/our opinion and all products have been tested by me personally.

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